Our Safety and HSE Policies
Safety and Quality Policy has always been of utmost importance for us. We have been maintaining highest standards in terms of both Quality and Safety in all our operations.
HSE Department takes care of the development of Management Systems and Procedures, implementation of Quality and Safety Systems in the company. We are completely equipped to manage Health, Safety and Environment protection requirements in our operation.
Our HSE policy meets all the industry benchmarks and comply every process in our organisation.
Quality Objective
Our Quality Objective follows the below:
- Aims to achieve total customer satisfaction and expectations
- Monitor benchmark and continuously improve our business plan and services
- Train our team to meet the quality standards
- Apply Quality assurance in design, procurement and construction activities
- Assure that our services and activities meet agreed requirements
Statement of General Policy
Our Quality Objective follows the below:
- To provide adequate control of the health and safety risk arising from our work activities
- To consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety
- To provide safe plant and equipment
- To ensure safe handling and use of substances
- To provide information and instruction and supervision of employees
- To ensure all employees are competent to their tasks and to give them adequate training
- To prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health
- To maintain safe and healthy working conditions
- To review and revise the policy as necessary at regular intervals