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Drug. Chapter One begins when Wes is three years old and playfully punches his older sister, Nikki. Major Events in The Jungle Chapters 14-21. They nearly got away without anyone getting hurt, but a police sergeant who ran after them shortly after . So far, Wes (author) lives in a more urban area surrounded by gang violence and drugs, while Wes Moore moved to a more suburban neighborhood outside of Baltimore City but still has a deep drug and violence . Moore . Summary: Interlude. In The Other Wes Moore epilogue, author Wes Moore's mother, Joy Moore, works as a consultant for foundations, helping them learn to use film and media to get their messages out. He'd work as a carpenter for most part of the day and then have two hours of free time in which he would play basketball or just talk with friends. It was here where Wes' more established sibling . Mary was watching the news on television. She slapped Wes, twice, hard over the face. He visits the other Wes Moore in prison to talk about the past. Tony couldn't believe Mary bought his story. These undertakings "were among the most perilous activities in the entirety of Baltimore" (26). A lot happen but to sum it up wes and other wes where telling how the got to where they where now. Just so, what happens in Chapter 8 of the other Wes Moore? Mary unexpectedly became pregnant with Wes's half-brother . Wes goes to the prison where the other Wes was at and it was the one in jail's birthday, and they had been visiting with each other for a whole year now. to get full document. Wes, still refusing to admit that he was present during Sergeant Prothero's murder, suggests that they are products of other people's expectations. Part 3, Chapter 8 Summary. Tony calls Wes checking on him and giving him advice. olive185. Perhaps the saddest thing about Wes's fate is the contrast between how much he has changed personally and how little his environment ever has or ever will change. Wes' mother had decided to move her children to a private school, which happened to be an "all white" school. Wes Moore (Wes 2):The "other" Wes Moore. The Other Wes Moore Chapter Analysis. In other words, they helped me to discover what it . And the wes that wrote this book tell us why he went to military school and the beginning of him meeting the other a jail to write the book. Wes decided from these lessons that he wanted to attend Valley Forge Junior College and join the army. Two days later, Mary's niece gets married. Ultimately, he is found guilty of first-degree felony murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole. The boys, however, realize that Moore isn't telling the truth and begin laughing. She lives outside of Baltimore City, where life is calmer and quieter. Scott Maxwell English 101 The Other Wes Moore September, 23 2015 Mrs. Matayabas Chapter 8 Summary A robbery takes place at a A friend of Moore's mother had a relative who went there and became a successful businessman. Mr. Moore writes in a sensitive manner and does a good job explaining the mood of the kids living in black slums as well as the enticements and . 'The Other Wes Moore' is snapshots of events which occur between their early childhood in 1982 through to 2000. Unformatted text preview: The Other Wes Moore One Name, Two Fates Chapter 1 1. She has watched a news item on the TV that has made her freeze with panic. Even at a young age, Tony had already built up a fierce reputation as a drug dealer, and he hoped that Wes would make better choices than him. English Test Study Guide Questions. Did you enjoy this book or would you have wanted to read another book? 246 Words1 Page. Wes is eight years old. Then Tony gave up. Both Wes Moores grew up fatherless in Baltimore, disadvantaged by poverty and influenced by the pressures of the streets. His name was Sergeant Prothero. how the other wes killed a police officer in a jewelry store robbery so he got a live sentence to jail. belonged anywhere, the other wes moore essay in wes moores the other wes moore both characters live within the same city with the same names but grow up to lead very different lives both kids grow up living in baltimore where drugs and poverty are at an all time high, the other wes moore one name two fates p 168 "02.19/00, DUNDALK DISPATCH ADVISED THAT BOTH OF THE MOORE BROTHERS ARE UNDER ARREST IN PHILADELPHIA!" -Wes Moore (Jail) is 25 when he made the heist with his brother Tony. Tony, his older brother, became a parental unit when his mother was working, which was a lot. . The Other Wes Moore Chapter 8 Summary; The Other Wes Moore Father; The Other Wes Moore plot; The average student has to read dozens of books per year. He is "tired of watching drugs destroy entire families" and "tired of being shot at" and attending funerals. "As word spread, an aggregate moan of alleviation leaked through Baltimore's lively winter air. Summary. Both men grew up enduring similar hardships, but Moore, the author and narrator, was encouraged to overcome these difficulties and became successful, while Wes, his counterpart, found himself sentenced to life in prison for murder. Valley Forge was a school in rural Pennsylvania. In The Other Wes Moore, the reader watches the growth of both of the Wes' and how their choices affect their success. The Other Wes Moore Wes Moore 2010-04-27 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The "compassionate" (People), "startling" (Baltimore Sun), "moving" (Chicago Tribune) true story of two kids with the same name from the city: One went on to be a Rhodes Scholar, decorated combat veteran, White House Fellow, and business leader. Each chapter represents a slice of life of both men in a single given year. 66 terms. It takes place in 1994. Part 1, Chapter 2 Part 2, Chapter 4. Westley Watende Omari Moore (born October 15, 1978) is an American author, entrepreneur, television producer, and United States Army veteran. Other sets by this creator. Chapters 7-8 - The Other Wes Moore Chapters 7-8 Wes Moore As he graduates from high school, Wes starts to solely focus on his athletic career. I read past the initial story to the after word and even the entirety of the acknowledgements. Summary. Wes life was pretty much the same. Wes's brother Tony lived with his father in the Murphy Homes Projects, a very dangerous, dirty, and drug-infested area. LyvAAA. As the "other" Wes Moore prepares to spend the rest of his life in prison, Wes, the author, writes, "Maybe it was because he'd never thought long term about his life at all. Michael Moore - WikipediaThe Other Wes Moore: Chapter 8 Summary & AnalysisKahoot!The Other Wes Moore: Chapter 4 Summary & AnalysisThe 25 Greatest Actors of the 21st Century (So Far)other wes moore chapter About WES - World Education ServicesEx-Big Brother star Wes Dening lands a The other Wes Moore has an older brother who hangs out in the Murphy Homes and from a young age is a notorious drug dealer in the area. He and Wes discuss whether people are products of their environments. That night, the police search her house. Mary's heart breaks when she sees photos of Wes and his brother, Tony Moore, as the other two suspects. Nikki lives in Virginia and owns an event-planning company. The Other Wes Moore Quotes. Luckily, FreeBookSummary offers study guides on over 1000 top books from students' curricula! The masked men held customers and police at gunpoint then stole $438,000 worth of watches and jewels. Wes2 was getting tired of being locked up and tired of the drug game. He knows it is his job to deliver drugs to addicts, and he finds it disgusting. Do you think that our parents live vicariously through their children? The other Wes Moore realizes that the mother of his two youngest children is a heroin addict. The first part of Chapter 3 is Moore's story. njustis. 31 terms. Summary Chapter 8, the final chapter, is titled "Surrounded." It takes place in 2000. Wes was now a devoted Muslim; he'd initially started attending mosque services because it . He stayed in the streets and sold drugs. There was a story about two masked men who held up J. Browns Jewelers. A lot happen but to sum it up wes and other wes where telling how the got to where they where now. They shot and killed the security worker at the store. to get full document. Each day he'd wake up at 5 am and go to sleep at 10pm. They shot and killed the security worker at the store. Wes becomes friends with Justin, the only other black kid at their school. "Wes loved his brother, but had learned to ignore his occasional 'do as I say, not as I do' tirades. Unformatted text preview: The Other Wes Moore One Name, Two Fates Chapter 2 1. His mom had just had a disillusioning discussion with the dignitary at Riverdale. Two of the perpetrators are arrested quickly. Moore's mother sees and is furious, ordering her son up to his room and shouting that he should never hit a woman. Wes was the last to see preliminary. He then proceeds to attack Wes, punching him again and again. The story starts in 1984 and centers around the different Wes Moore's living circumstance in Murphy Homes. Unformatted text preview: The Other Wes Moore One Name, Two Fates Chapter 8 summary Mary is watching the news and it's about a heist.Four men had stolen $500,000 worth of jewelry. The Other Wes Moore Chapter 5 Summary. When Moore was three, he hit his sister Nikki while they were playing, then ran to his room scared of his mom. He has 50 pounds of equipment strapped to him, and is about to jump out of the plane; he is "about to become a paratrooper." Chapter 3 is called "Foreign Ground.". 9 terms. Chapter 4: Sergeant Anderson enters Wes's room to drag his "ass out of the rack" (Moore 86), but Wes faces him with a nonplussed countenance and, basically, threatens him. The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates contains the tales of two men with the same name: Wes Moore. Both Wes Moores are black men who grew up in the inner-city communities of Baltimore City and the Bronx. The "Other" Wes Moore. The Other Wes Moore: Chapter 7 Summary & Analysis Next Chapter 8 Themes and Colors Key Summary Analysis Moore is in a plane in the state of Georgia, being trained by a group of instructors called Black Hats. The book is divided into three parts that tell the stories of how the Wes Moore's started out very similar but soon split into different paths.

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